Those who see the light before others are condemned to continue despite others


Innovate to emerge

Taxes are a fact. Innovation is the key to success. The recent pandemic that has hit the globe has shown, if it were still necessary, how innovation, digitalization and new technologies are essential and essential elements on which to base our future, as a people and as a nation. Aiming to innovate means aiming for new markets and/or improving its position among competitors, to improve economic performance and aim to ever higher goals.

Getax’ Start Up’s Support

Our consultancy is aimed at 360 degrees in the world of innovative startups and SMEs, from the birth and establishment or registration in the special section, to the development and financial planning through the use of specific incentives in this area.

Start Up: a viable model

Innovative startups are capital companies that have as their main or exclusive object the development, production and marketing innovative products or services with high technological value. Together with innovative SMEs, they are the tool made available by the to allow innovative companies to increase their productivity and be able to compete abroad, thanks to a series of facilities aimed mainly at encouraging risk capital investments, as well as a number of other specific facilities for allow the growth of such innovative activities.


Find out how to grow with our services

Share some essential data with us to find out how we can support you in the management and development of your business, we will reply shortly to deepen them together.

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