Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success


An important opportunity

Worldwide, in a complex and constantly changing market situation, growth through acquisition and / or merger operations is a functional solution, even for small / medium-sized enterprises. Despite this, mergers and acquisitions in Italy tend to remain the prerogative of large companies. The reasons for this trend are to be found in the complexity of these operations and in the fear of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs of losing control of their company.

A complex activity

There is not an universal model for the management of merger and acquisition operations. phase of analysis and preparation, conducted by external experts who are able to identify the ideal models and tools to carry out operations that are of true integration between two or more realities, to build the appropriate economies of scale, and to make sure that the final result is better than the simple sum of the parts.

Getax’s due diligence

Starting from structured and consolidated due diligence paths, we proceed to the construction of an integration plan that constitutes the true value of of the operation and above all the organizational support for the realization of the of a real new and competitive reality.


Find out how to grow with our services

Share some essential data with us to find out how we can support you in the management and development of your business, we will reply shortly to deepen them together.

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